
hydrant-big-560x385I suppose I should begin by explaining that I originally created this blog while i was going through the process of self-publishing my first novel.  It was an intriguing experience where I learned much in regards to the process of editing and the publishing world as a whole.  I remember having the thought at the time that since it required so much research into every little step on a variety of websites that I would create a place where writer’s could find some answers from someone who was just starting out.

One thing any blogger will freely tell you, if you ever ask them, is that a blog has a way of evolving.  Since they are so entirely personal the content you may find yourself creating and putting out into the world may vary greatly from day to day.  I find, for myself, that much of what I write has gone so far afield from what I originally intended it surprises me at times.  That being said It becomes obvious that writers, like everyone else, will go through stages not only in their thought process, but also in their points of view.  This can be likened to a snake shedding it’s skin depending on the environment.  Different states of mind, changes to emotional well-being, and distractions in the day to day are all contributing factors.

In keeping with that train of thought I feel I should explain that I recently started back to school to become a Paralegal at Sheridan College.  After many years away from a learning institution I find myself suddenly attempting to handle lengthy commutes, balancing being a single parent to my four boys, dealing with the culture shock of finding myself back in a bustling urban area after years of isolating myself in a rural setting, learning to learn, and still trying to find time to indulge in my informational wanderlust.  It is due to what I am sure will be an interesting chapter of my life that I’m sure this blog will change dramatically.  As always I invite comments, questions and sharing of thought, and I look forward to sharing with all of you as I explore your blogs as well.

With kind regards, I am

Sarah A. Murray

2 thoughts on “Welcome!

  1. Hello – just wanted to drop by and say thanks for the visit and “likes” – much appreciated. Call again soon.

    • 🙂 Thanks for the return visit! I enjoy following your blog although I don’t comment as often as I wish I could. My web browser seems to freeze up by the time I finish reading blog posts (or writing them for that matter) and I often find myself hitting that “back” button before getting the chance to add my thoughts. Thanks so much for sharing your interests and thoughts. 🙂

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